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How do I know what comes next?

Today there are so many career options that deciding what exactly you want to do can be overwhelming. Fear not! We're here to help. On this page you will find resources to help you find a job as well as prepare for a career. These are two different things! 


Preparing for A Career




Assess Your Interests

Maybe you know exactly what you want to do, but maybe you don't. Either way, we highly recommend beginning by taking at least one of the career assessments on This may introduce you to jobs you never thought of before or it could confirm what you already thought you wanted to do. CFNC has a TON of resources to help you become more informed about what you will enjoy, what career are available in that field, and how much money you can make doing those jobs.  






Create A Resume

Creating a resume is an important first step in applying for jobs AND internships. You may not have a lot of experience and that is okay. Be sure to include skills on your resume, maybe you have great photoshop skills or video production skills from your classes here. If you babysit that is a job in childcare. We are happy to help you find the best wording to describe your skills and qualifications, but before you set up an appointment check out the sample resume and use it to help you get started. 







Volunteering can be a great way to explore your interest and build your resume. If you think you want to be a nurse, x-ray technician, or medical records keeper, you might want to volunteer in a hospital to see if you enjoy the atmosphere and boost your work experience in that area. 








Internships are a step up from volunteering in that they give you more hands on experience and skill building in whatever career path you choose to intern in. Internships can either be paid or unpaid and are often a little harder to come by than your run of the mill volunteer opportunity. Use the resources below to look for internships, however, if you do not find something you're interested in do not give up. Sometimes employers and smaller companies would welcome the help on an intern even though they do not have an official internship program. By contacting the employer directly you may still be able to get an inside look into the business of your choosing and gain some valuable skills. Internships are also great because even if they are unpaid initally they may provide you with connections that lead to job offers later on down the line. 







Career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress

Finding a Job

Job: a paid position of regular employment.

Obtaining a Work Permit

If you are under 18 you may need to get a work permit to work in the state of North Carolina. Some jobs allow you to work without a work permit at age 16 or 17. If you are 14 or 15 you may still work but a work permit is REQUIRED for any and all employment. Fortunately, the process is really simple. Just click the button below. 

Create A Resume

Creating a resume is an important first step in applying for jobs AND internships. You may not have a lot of experience and that is okay. Be sure to include skills on your resume, maybe you have great photoshop skills or video production skills from your classes here. If you babysit that is a job in childcare. We are happy to help you find the best wording to describe your skills and qualifications, but before you set up an appointment check out the sample resume and use it to help you get started. 

Secure References

Yes, job applications are going to ask you for references and they will likely ask that you pick someone other than your parents or siblings. Teachers, counselors, and coaches all make great references but make sure to ask them BEFORE you put their name and contact information on your application. 

Let the Search Begin!

Now comes the hard part. Actually applying to jobs can take time. Below are a couple links to online job search engines. It can also be helpful to drop in dressed nicely and ask to  speak to a manager after applying online. This will show initiative and help them put a face to your name when they read your application.

© 2017 School for Creative Studies Student Services


Phone: 919-560-3535 


5001 Red Mill Road

Durham, NC 27712

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